


T-shirt Rug

Alright, let’s talk about decluttering and up-cycling! Between graduating college and starting work, I had about 6 months. I traveled for 4 months and the remaining 2 I took advantage of the free time to organize my life. The first step was to do a deep declutter of my stuff, mainly my closet and a bunch of boxes I had in storage from my childhood home.

What I found: over a hundred event/company/free t-shirts.

As I went through, I easily made a huge pile of ones I didn’t see myself ever wearing again. Of that pile however, I only felt okay with donating a handful. Why? Because though most of these shirts are ugly and irrelevant now, they’re sentimental. ⁣

Previously my tactic was to just box up all of my sentimental stuff and stumble upon it every few years. But I was trying to empty boxes from the storage room, not add more. ⁣

This t-shirt rug is the first of many projects to up-cycle my shirts! This probably used about 20 shirts, and I absolutely love having them in my home now reincarnated as this rug. I saved the graphic parts of them for a current work in progress I’ll share eventually! ⁣

Can you catch how many times I restarted?!

It took roughly 2 weeks to make this baby – some days I’d give it an hour, and some I’d give 5. And now, I’ll keep it a lifetime!

Sasha Ainbinder